October 27, 2007

CMJ Diary

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:51 pm by leahpav


I was lucky enough to get hooked up with a CMJ badge this year from music marketing company The Syndicate. I discovered when they call it a music marathon, they really mean it – I saw 25+ bands, slept an average of 3 hours a night and was essentially homeless for a week in New York City. Was it worth it? Every gosh darn minute. Pictures to come as soon as I figure out how to use the interweb.

Monday, 10/15/07

1:30 PM – Contemplate beginning article with a poem titled “Ode to the Chinatown Bus.” Idea is unceremoniously nixed after sitting in traffic on Jersey Turnpike for two hours.

4 PM – Arrive in NYC and make my way to the midtown club Rebel NYC for The Syndicate Conflict of Interest party. Hugs are exchanged, and I am promptly recruited to dress mannequins in gear from 66 North, one of our sponsors. Glamorous.

7 PM – Doors open, and important people begin arriving.

8 PM – Discover the wonder of industry free drink tickets.

8:30 PM – 9 PM – Regain my composure to catch a hot minute of We Are Scientists at the main stage, then head over to work the raffle table. Stare longingly at the Pabst Blue Ribbon guitar.

10 PM – Start a dance party with my boss in the DJ Room.

1 AM – Carnival punk rockers World Inferno Friendship Society begin to play. Forgive them for starting an hour an a half late after they rock my face off.

2:30 AM – Collapse onto couch #1 at a friends’ house in Jersey City.

Tuesday, 10/16/07

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An idea

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:44 pm by philipmatthews

Is anyone interested in creating a LandPhil variety show to promote/be promoted by this blog — something like neo-cabaret?


I think we should shake the scene up a bit.

Here’s what I’m thinking:

Short acts

* Music (But not as we’re used to (and maybe tired of) seeing it — short, adaptable, sometimes improvisational sets.)

* Video (Short films, highlights from movies or commercials, music videos, original/unoriginal/whatever…)

* Performance/Theater (Monologues, puppets, short plays, spectacles.)

*Poetry/Readings (Good found stuff and poetry/fiction that is together. NOT OPEN-MIC, which goes for all of this.)

*Collaboration (Collaboration is something we don’t do enough of.)

A feature

*A band, or

*A play, or

*A film, or

*A band play film.

Other things


*Whatever else happens when we drink a lot of drinks (The Unknown.)

And, at the end of the night, because we do it really well:


Phillatio- The Beginning

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , at 9:43 pm by Miss Take

Why, hello there. In case you have yet to notice, our beautiful little world is covered in sex. Thank the lord. Since I like it and I know you like it, I’m going write about it. The ins the outs, the ups the downs. What makes it good, what makes it awkward. Anything you hoped your mother would never talk to you about, I expect to explore. It’s just me, you, and your johnson and/or vajayjay. Hopefully what I tell you helps you in your quest for great sex or at least makes you horny. Actually, I more so hope it helps me on my quest for great sex, as this damn city seems to be greatly lacking it. I may not be a great writer, but I am a lover of all things sex. I’ll review sex toys, lubes, positions…really anything I can get my sticky little hands on. I’ll talk about sex etiquette, maybe even throw in a few stories. Whatever my dirty mind comes up with, I will be sure to share. In the end, I hope to make you want to touch yourself…or even better touch someone else. Spread the love, not the clap. Ah yes, and be sure to enjoy some Phillatio!

Miss Take